This versatile dip is can be spread on crackers or toast, enjoyed with veggies or kettle chips, put in a baked potato, enjoyed with couscous & roasted veg, or as a side sauce to things like roast chicken. Try it with a wrap, salad & halloumi - you'll thank me! I love making a batch of this and keeping in the fridge for up to about 5 days (if it lasts that long without you gobbling it!). Check to the bottom for my quick tortilla dippers.

1 tin of butterbeans (or you can try chickpeas or cannellini beans)
3 or 4 sun-dried tomatoes
2 big tsp tahini
1/2 lemon juice
1 clove garlic (or use the remaining roast garlic from your soup recipe!)
Pinch smoked paprika - optional
chilli flake - optional
olive oil.
1. Drain the butter beans. Put all the ingredients in the blender with a couple of big tbsp of olive oil and a splash of cold water. Blend until smooth. You will need to play around adding a spoon of oil, water or a bit more lemon to get it blending smoothly. You'll know when you have the right amount as it will suddenly blitz really easily.
2. Taste and add salt, pepper and more chilli (or maybe another sun-dried tomato) to suit the flavour that you want. Easy!

Perfect for dunking, a little more filling and a little more fried than a bag of salted tortilla chips.
!Grab a couple of tortilla wraps - I like the seeded wholemeal ones. Cut into triangles. Spread a little olive oil oil over the baking tray and rub the tortillas in it both sides and spread out. Bake at 180deg for about 10 mins, turning half way through. You want them crispy and browning on the edges, but watch them because they can burn quite quickly!