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With content you can access as soon as you wish post-birth, Mamawell is here to support your postpartum journey. From the groundwork of breathwork, pelvic floor strength and abdominal activation - through to full length workouts when you're ready, the programme supports all aspects of your recovery. Suitable for all women including post-caesarean and those needing more pelvic floor support.

Low impact, high energy strength & cardio workouts, plus video content to support your body and mind from stretches and pelvic floor workouts, to guided mediations & yoga flows. All from your own home, with minimal equipment. You can start at any stage postpartum and feel the benefits.

Join the 1000s of women feeling confident and strong with Mamawell.

  • ​Regain strength, energy and time for YOU post-birth.


  • Learn about the changes in the body postpartum and how best to adapt your workout.


  • High energy, low impact strength & cardio - suitable for all types of birth recovery including caesarean and those needing more pelvic floor support. Pilates, Yoga, stretches, posture and breathwork all included.


  • Programme taught by a qualified, experienced & compassionate instructors. 


  • Equipment needed: 1 x looped & 1 long resistance band.


  • £9.99 a month, no minimum subscription.


  • 8 full length workouts - repeat & get stronger.

  • Postnatal Yoga.​

  • 8 shorter workouts.

  • Meditations and breathwork for new parents.


  • Physio approved postpartum specific stretches, pelvic floor, abdominals & posture, early days postpartum movement.


  • Written content.


  • Email support.


“I just wanted to say thank you because The Mamawell Method have been the absolute best thing since having my baby earlier this year in getting me feeling healthy & fit again! I love your workouts and your style in making it all feel really achievable”.

Lucinda, Mamawell member

 "I was at an all time loss as to how I was going to get back into exercise safely 8 wks postpartum. Let alone fit it in with the baby and no childcare! Well, from the first video I was hooked. I can honestly say that now I'm at wk 8 I never want the videos to end & its been such a rewarding exercise programme. Can't recommend it enough for all mummies wanting to build strength & feel like you again."

Meabh, Mamawell member

"I’m currently on week 5 of the programme & absolutely love it. I was in such a low place, absolutely hated my body & with your programme I am beginning to love myself again. I am a doctor & will definitely be recommending this to patients, so accessible, reasonably priced and safe. Thank you!"

Kate, Mamawell member

  • Who is Club Mamawell for? Do I need to be a certain fitness level?
    The club is for all women of all fitness levels. You will work to your own goals and fitness levels in the workouts - guided by the coaches. It is NOT for pregant or postpartum women who are sitll rehabbing from their birth. For this population group it's recommended to complete The Mamawell Method: Postnatal Edition first. The club presumes you have a good level of control in your pevlid floor and ability to activate your abdominals for higher intesntiy exercise. Please email if you have individual questions on this.
  • How many workouts will be saved in the library?
    Most of the workouts will be saved! There'll be 100s in the library. They are organised into catagories such as: no equipment, cardio, power flow, no cardio - so it's really easy to find what you fancy each day. Occasionally we will have to remove old workouts to make space for new ones, but don't worry, there'll still be a huge selection available.
  • What equipment do I need?
    You need a mat, 2xdumbbells, 1 looped band, 1 long band. *Dumbbells: You can choose whichever weight you'd prefer to start with. A 5kg would be a good challenge for most people, but you could start lighter e.g. 3kg if you'd prefer. I now have 5kg and 8kg and the workouts really get harder the more weight you add - then you also get stronger, and so it continues!
  • When is payment taken?
    When you sign up to Club Mamawell you get a free trial for 1 week. Payment will automatically be taken after that week and then will continue coming out of your bank every month until you decide to cancel.
  • When do the new workouts come out each week?
    There'll be a new live/on-demand workout posted every Monday/Wednesday/Friday at 6.30am UK time. They will be saved if you can't join live. The workouts will be around 30mins long each and will cover all types of exercise focus in them. They will either be live, or pre-recorded, but always with the live, follow-along vibe that you love getting with Mamawell.
  • What if the live stream isn't loading?
    If you are joining live at 6.30am and don't see a live video, try refreshing your browser. If it's Mon/Wed/Fri there should be a video happening. Next, try the video library for the latest saved videos.
  • Can I download the videos?
    The videos sit on the Mamawell platform and are not downloadable or shareable. You'll need an internet connection to access the videos, but they are available on multiple devices 24/7. You can watch them on mobile or desktop and they can be cast to a TV for big screen viewing!
  • How do I cancel?
    We're always sad to see you go, but hope you loved the workouts - you're welcome back at any time! Head to your profile at the top right of the screen and click 'my subscriptions' or click here to cancel now.


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